

Postdoc Students

  • Tanzila Rahman (Postdoc at Vector Institute, co-supervised with Leonid Sigal)

Graduate Students

  • Muchen Li (CS PhD co-supervised with Leonid Sigal)
  • Qi Yan (ECE PhD co-supervised with Lele Wang)
  • Sadegh Mahdavi (ECE PhD co-supervised with Christos Thrampoulidis)
  • Donglin Yang (ECE PhD)
  • Yuanpei Gao (ECE PhD)
  • Mohammad Mahdi Kazemi (ECE PhD co-supervised with Purang Abolmaesumi)
  • Qihang Zhang (ECE PhD co-supervised with Lele Wang)
  • Jiahe Liu (ECE MASc co-supervised with Lele Wang)
  • Michael Liu (CS MSc co-supervised with Nick Harvey and Mijung Park)
  • Nima Kondori (ECE MASc co-supervised with Purang Abolmaesumi)

Visiting Students

  • Wenliang Liu (EE PhD at Zhejiang University)
  • Nick Zhang (CS Undergrad at University of Waterloo)
  • Robin Yadav (CS Undergrad at UBC)
  • Kevin Liu (CS Undergrad at UBC)
  • Tayyib Chohan (ECE Undergrad at UBC)


  • Sadegh Mahdavi (ECE MASc co-supervised with Christos Thrampoulidis, now PhD at UBC)
  • Aditya Chinchure (CS MSc co-supervised with Leonid Sigal, now PhD at UBC)
  • Masoud Mokhtari (ECE MASc co-supervised with Purang Abolmaesumi, now Applied Scientist at Amazon)
  • Emmanuel Sales (CS MSc co-supervised with Nick Harvey, now Software Engineer at Google)

Past Visiting Students

  • Felix Fu (CS Undergrad at UBC, WLIURA, now MASc at UBC)
  • Jade Clement (EngSci Undergrad at University of Toronto)
  • Evan Liu (CS Undergrad at UBC)
  • Youran Qu (CS Undergrad at Peking University)
  • Anthony Cheng Xian (CS Undergrad at UBC, USRA, now PhD at UBC)
  • Daniel Yang (EE Undergrad at National Taiwan University, now MSc at CMU)
  • Yutong Zhang (CS Undergrad at UBC, now PhD at Georgia Tech)
  • Vicky Xie (ECE Undergrad at UBC, now MSc at CMU)
  • Xue Yu (Stats PhD at Renmin University of China)
  • Deyu Bo (CS PhD at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, now research fellow at National University of Singapore)
  • Zhengyang Liang (CS Undergrad at Tongji University)
  • Joshua White (EnPh Undergrad at UBC, now Engineer at Tesla)

Collaborating Students

  • Xiang Gao (CS PhD at Peking University)
  • Bian Du (CS PhD at Peking University)
  • Bicheng Xu (CS PhD at UBC)
  • Hooman Vaseli (ECE PhD at UBC)